Schools Using Shared Waters

Shared Waters is spreading! Below is a sample of schools who are implementing Shared Waters Curricula.

The Shared Waters Project is a hands-on way to get students invested in protecting the area in which they live. They will learn how simple actions they take can have a big impact on their local and global communities. Through the Shared Waters Project, students get to explore science topics in and out of the classroom. It is engaging and relevant for students.
Ms. Binkley, Letort Elementary

Overall , this is the most engaged and excited I saw my students all year. Just today they we writing about their favorite things we did in 4th grade this year and so many of them referenced our water shed unit. The action project has been the most exciting part. They are so incredibly engaged and motivated. It is inspiring to watch them learn and problem solve. They really do care about this.
Ms. Showalter, Martic Elementary

It's high student engagement as well as a way of solving a current problem that students will face their entire lives.
Mr. Showalter, Hambright Elementary

It was a great hands on curriculum that the students LOVED! It really opened their eyes to how scarce our freshwater is and how we should protect it. Ms. Gwyn, Letort Elementaryc
Everything is already done for you. The lessons are fun, engaging, educational, and so valuable!
Ms. Orzolek, Pequea Elementary

I will always admit when I was wrong....and boy, Oh boy, I WAS WRONG!!!!

I'm wrapping up lesson 7 and is has been going fantastic!!!!!! The kids are loving it....I'm loving it!!!! I didn't preface a thing besides showing the video.  I told the kids I have no idea what I'm doing, I didn't open a single kit, they are one their own go be scientists!!!!!  And whoa buddy it is GREAT!!!

Long story short...the small kits with the picture cards have worked wonderfully!!!
Ms. Jobi, Williams Valley Elementary